



Licenc: Free
Verziószám: 0.7.7+b12

Rövid leírás:

A cdebootstrap linux parancs manual oldala és súgója. A cdebootstrap felépíti a CODENAME (pl. jessie, stretch, sid) alap Debian rendszerét az ORIGIN-ből (pl. Debian, Ubuntu) a TARGET-re a MIRROR-ban megadott forrás felhasználásával. Támogatja a http://, ftp://, file:// és az ssh:// URL-ekett, és alapértelmezés szerint a útvonalat használja.

A hosszú opciók kötelező argumentumai a rövid opciók esetében is kötelezőek.

A program használatához telepíteni kell a cdebootstrap csomagot.



Man oldal kimenet

man cdebootstrap
CDEBOOTSTRAP(1)                           User Commands                           CDEBOOTSTRAP(1)

       cdebootstrap - Bootstrap a Debian system

       cdebootstrap [OPTION]... [ORIGIN/]CODENAME TARGET [MIRROR]

       cdebootstrap  builds  a  basic  Debian system of CODENAME (e.g. jessie, stretch, sid) from
       ORIGIN (e.g Debian, Ubuntu) into TARGET using the source specified in MIRROR.  It supports
       http://, ftp://, file:// and ssh:// URL and defaults to  The
       ssh:// scheme uses cat on the remote host to access the files.  You have to setup a master
       connection  and  configure ssh to use it or use a key for authentication. No user interac‐
       tion is possible.  The complete log is saved as /var/log/bootstrap.log in the new system.

       Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too.

              Ignore if packages can't be authenticated.  This ignores the unavailability of  Re‐
              lease.gpg, missing keyrings, broken signatures and missing gpgv executable.

       -a, --arch=ARCH
              Set the target architecture.

       -c, --configdir=CONFIGDIR
              Set the config directory.

              Enable debug output.

       -d, --download-only
              Download packages, but don't perform installation.

              Drop packages from the installation list.  This only works if the package is pulled
              in explicitely, either via priority or explicit definition in the config.  It won't
              exclude packages which are pulled in via dependencies.

              Enable support for non-native arch (needs qemu-user-static).

       -f, --flavour=FLAVOUR
              Select the flavour to use (see FLAVOURS below).

       -k, --keyring=KEYRING
              Use  given  keyring.  Relative filename are looked up in /usr/local/share/keyrings,
              /usr/share/keyrings and CONFIGDIR.

       -H, --helperdir=DIR
              Set the helper directory.

              Install extra packages.

       -q, --quiet
              Be quiet.  Only warnings and errors are shown.


       -v, --verbose
              Be verbose.  All command output is shown.

       -h, --help
              Display this help and exit.

              Output version information and exit.

       Flavours available with default configuration:

       build  Installs essential, apt and build-essential.  Suitable for sbuild and pbuilder  us‐
              age.   All  rc.d  operations  are  disabled  by a policy-rc.d script (cdebootstrap-
              helper-rc.d package).

              Installs essential and apt.  All rc.d operations  are  disabled  by  a  policy-rc.d
              script (cdebootstrap-helper-rc.d package).

              Installs required and important priority packages.  This is the default flavour.

cdebootstrap                                                                      CDEBOOTSTRAP(1)



Súgó kimenet

cdebootstrap --help

Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too.
      --allow-unauthenticated  Ignore if packages can’t be authenticated.
  -a, --arch=ARCH              Set the target architecture.
  -c, --configdir=DIR          Set the config directory.
      --debug                  Enable debug output.
  -d, --download-only          Download packages, but don't perform installation.
      --exclude=A,B,C          Drop packages from the installation list
  -f, --flavour=FLAVOUR        Select the flavour to use.
      --foreign                Enable support for non-native arch (needs qemu-user-static).
  -k, --keyring=KEYRING        Use given keyring.
  -H, --helperdir=DIR          Set the helper directory.
      --include=A,B,C          Install extra packages.
  -q, --quiet                  Be quiet.
  -v, --verbose                Be verbose,
  -h, --help                   Display this help and exit.
      --version                Output version information and exit.

target architecture: amd64
config and helper directory: /usr/share/cdebootstrap


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